
It all started when…

I adopted my second dog Gracie.  Owning a pet sitting/ dog walking business since 2005 i have cared for hundreds of dogs.  My first dog Max was a very social, easy going dog. I hired a trainer and it was almost too easy with him.  I was a total proponent of positive reinforcement training only.  

Then Gracie came into my life and she was a completely different dog.  She had some very bratty, challenging behaviors.  And she scared me and she knew it.  So I searched for trainers and it was the 3rd trainer we went to that changed everything.  

I had to become versed and comfortable with different training tools and  methods that included punishment and consequences. Positive Reinforcement only training was not going to work on Gracie.

Balanced Training is a combination of positive reinforcement and punishment.  We reward for behaviors we want and we punish/ hold the dog accountable for unwanted behaviors.    

My journey with Gracie has been so rewarding and beyond my expectations that I want to help other dog owners that are struggling.  I am so passionate about training and I want dogs to reach their full potential.